How to navigate your work from home outfits?
Although the world is opening back up, it looks as though we are not all going back to the routine of ‘going to work’ 5 days a week. Your work from home outfits are here to stay so let's get out of a rut because working from home for at least part of the week is the new norm for so many of us.
I have spoken to so many women who are stuck as to what to wear when it comes to trying to find the right work from home outfits. We all want clothes that are comfortable and easy to wear. It seems that would be an easy choice when we are at home all day. However, the comfortable, convenient choice bypasses the question of how you feel in those clothes.
I know working from your dining room table isn't anything like being in the workplace, but when we dress more professionally our mindset and outlook will be different. Also, if you dress with the intention of feeling good in what you wear, when you get that urgent call for a face-to-face meeting, you won't be blindsided by wondering what to wear.
My theory is this: if you feel great in what you wear you will achieve great things because you will show up differently with confidence and drive.
Wearing clothes that we don’t feel good or comfortable in can affect our attitude to everything, including our work. It also affects our mental health.
If you are feeling good in what you are wearing, and it fits you well (regardless of the size printed on the label!) you are more likely to smile at yourself when passing a mirror or be a bit kinder to yourself and be taking pride in your work. At the same time, if you don't feel good in what you are wearing you will most probably put yourself down. This then feeds the inner critic, and a downward spiral can begin.
So how can we work from home and still dress in what makes us feel good?
The beauty about your work from home outfits is that when working from home you don't have to commute very far to get to work. So your whole wardrobe - even a summer dress when it's 3 degrees outside - can totally work because you are just working at the dining room table, right!?
The best way to navigate your work from your home wardrobe is to realise that nothing is off limits.
IF you want to wear a sequinned pair of trousers that you might have originally thought were just for the festive season, you can totally wear them at your desk at home.
IF you want to wear that jumpsuit that makes you feel so good but is a bit too revealing on the top half for a zoom meeting with your boss then pop on a scarf or top or a jumper and there you go you’ve got yourself another work from home outfit thats allows you to feel like a powerhouse inside.
IF you just want comfort and want to reach for your staple items of jeans and a jumper, why don't you make them your favourite jeans and your favourite jumper that shows your style or personality. Then add on some earrings or jewellery to uplift those work from home outfits.
IF, like me, your house can get cold at this time of year and wearing a summer dress in the middle of winter doesn't seem a brilliant idea, then layer it with a roll neck and some leggings and thick socks, and then pop your summer dress on top. As well as brightening everything up, there you have a transitional wardrobe.
Here are some of my favourite working from home outfits I have worn so far this year.
Need some help creating your own personalised work from home outfits?
Then get in touch today as well as face to face service I also offer online personal styling. We will curate your work from home outfits that make you feel empowered and confident to achieve anything.
If you are ready to define your personal style then get in touch here for a free getting to know you chat.